站在層峰的不凡視野 獨享度環景星空酒吧
全天候供餐 飯店管家服務
交通專屬接送 頂級貼心
這不是外出渡假 而是您的生活風景
白天繁忙節奏後 夜晚更需放鬆
請至28樓的餐廳享用美饡 優雅柔光凸顯瑪瑙藍玉石空間的璀璨
氛圍一次到位 令人食指大動
獨酌或是朋友小聚 別錯過戶外露天101BAR的無敵環景夜色
拱形芎頂渲染 色彩豐富層次變幻隨音樂節奏光影律動
遠眺大肚山、八卦山 佐以城市天際線和星光點點
— 雙橡園 V1
Extraordinary perspective from the peak Exclusive 360-degree-panoramic skybar
Twin Oaks Real Estate Development Company V1 bult for the top luxury customers,
Neoclassical romantic , modern and stylish
The moment you drive to granite hallway, welcome lighting guides you into VVIP honors.
All-day dinings and hotel butler service,
Exclusive pick-up transfers and perfect particulars ,
This is not a vacation, but a daily life for you.
Which is best after a busy daytime — need of relaxation at night.
Please enjoy the beauty of the restaurant on the 28th floor.
Elegant soft light highlights the agate blue jade space.
Everything makes you have a good appetite.
Whether you want to enjoy by yourself or drink with friends,
Don't miss out the invincible night scene from 101BAR.
Arch and dome rendering by rich color,
Fluently changing with rythmn lights and shadow, which presents magical sense of healing.
Overlooking Dadu and Bagua Mountain from the top — with the city skyline and starlight.
Attitude determines altitude.
Twin oaks official FB page
GUANG Techno Design official FB page